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672nd Fighter Wing, Red Dragon Squadron Imperial Navy - “The Red Baroness” (SPRING CLEAN CHALLENGE 2021 by Zebraoutrider)

672nd Fighter Wing, Red Dragon Squadron Imperial Navy - “The Red Baroness” (SPRING CLEAN CHALLENGE 2021 by Zebraoutrider)

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Voss Pattern Lightning - Out of the box

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 6
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First up in this 2021 Spring Challenge is the Voss Pattern Lightning. Accordingly to the 40K fandom, this is a much faster fighter than the Thunderbolt and the version available through Forge World is the ‘newer’ build. I can only find the older version with different wing configuration on eBay at exorbitant prices (or on sites which make me think they must be counterfeit as they are far too cheap!) Anyhow, this is a 19 part kit and the solid parts mean that there is little warping of the resin components.

As with all resin models, it’s necessary to wash the parts in soapy warm water to remove the mould grease and to rinse the parts and dry. Now one could ignore this, but it will affect the painting of the constructed model even with spray under coats. It’s also a useful task as you can check all parts are present and that there are no defects. I discovered my kit came with an extra hellstrike missile… something for my bits box for free ?.

Voss Pattern Lightning - Out of the box Voss Pattern Lightning - Out of the box

Having cleaned and left to naturally dry over a couple of days, the next phase will be to remove the excess flashing and resin off cuts that are created in the manufacturing process. There’s a lot of of excess resin sprue bits to remove… ?

Project Time taken:

Reading and figuring out instructions and checking all components for defects: 1 Hour

Cleaning components: 1 Hour

Natural Drying: 48 Hours

Sitting in awe at components: 72 Hours

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