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Shadows of Brimstone

Shadows of Brimstone

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Tentacles - original edition

Tutoring 0
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  1. Added some gravel to the base around the moulded rocks and you can see my visual paint log for the base colors. Craft paints work well for bases, all thinned with solution formula for thinning acrylic paints I learned from Genessis Models ( see video and notes below). Sometimes I use craft paints for more than bases, but Folk Art does not tend to apply to well, thinned or not, so I would not recommend it. I use several different brands of hobby paint, and avoid craft paint on anything that I want a smooth coat. Clothing is usually fine, but never for skin, for example.

Formula notes:

Use 60 milliliter bottle to mix the following:

2/3 part Distilled water (tap water can contain minerals which negatively affect paints)

1/3 part IPA ( Isopropyl Alcohol )

1 milliliter Flowaid (feel free to adjust but no more than 10% recommended)

1 milliliter Flow Retarder

Add to a dropper bottle for ease of dispensing.

My own observations:

Craft paints always need thinning.

Hobby paints may not need thinning.

Some brands such as Army Painter cannot be thinned as much as other brands. (The pigments begin to break apart).

Some professional painters ( such as Aaron Lovejoy ) advise against thinning paints at all to enforce color saturation (full strength vibrant colors).

Thin metallic paints with caution – too much and you will have metallic flecks everywhere! Be sure to rinse your brush well and or get fresh rinse water to avoid cross contamination, and possibly dedicate a single brush for metallics.

Sometimes simply using distilled water alone will work wonders and avoid reactions that the IPA will cause in certian brands (Army Painter in particular).

Distilled water alone and or Games Workshop’s Lahmiam Medium can help with getting a thin smooth layer for painting skin. I kick myself for not using it more often!




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