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Spring Cleaning Challenge: Malifaux Neverborn

Spring Cleaning Challenge: Malifaux Neverborn

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Step One: Deciding What Mini to Choose First!

Tutoring 22
Skill 17
Idea 28

Choosing a Crew in Malifaux was easy for me! There seems to be a bit for everybody when it comes to Malifaux. Although I was drawn to the Arcanists, the Neverborn really did catch my eye.

So over the time I have been ogling at Malifaux minis, I got myself clued up on the lore by reading the Neverborn Faction book.

Originally, I purchased the Titania Core box to start my Malifaux adventures in, and started to look at different ways I could build a crew! After seeking lots of advice from what I call my Malifaux Yoda, I was starting to gauge how I could build a crew (not just go by who looks so fecking cool – but… that still has a factor!).

What I wanted to pair Titania with was the Waldgeists.

Now when I first started to dip my toes through the breach, these lil tree guys were impossible to get my mitts on! As they were 2E minis, and they were all currently being reworked for 3E.

And what did I do, the second the Zoirida Core Box went on pre-order, that puppy was mine and I could finally start to build!

Included in this Core Box, you get your Bad Juju, Zoraida, Voodoo Doll & x3 Waldgeists. Can you guess which ones I was desperate to get cracking on first?

You’d guessed it, the Waldgeists. What fascinates me about these miniatures is that when you see pictures – or even when they are painted up – they never look as tiny as they do when they are in your hands!

So taking advice from a fellow hobbyist, to prepare myself for full fantasy paintwork, I decided to put the Lord of the Rings Return of the King Extended Edition on (again… for the millionth time this year), to gain some inspiration from my favourite Ent, Treebeard.

I cut my Waldgeists out with a pair of side cutters which I got from The Army Painter Hobby Tool Kit, enjoyed Middle Earth and prepared all the individual parts ready for a file-down!

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Cult of Games Member

Welcome to the wonderful, wacky world of mini gaming. Time to get your hobby on!

Cult of Games Member

Never played but was always drawn to the Hide and Seek set in 2nd Edition. It looks like these are new sculpts? I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with these.

Cult of Games Member

Great start and well done!

I’ll be marking this so I get notices of your next posts.

Looking forward to your process.

(on a side note…..I have the first edition rules for Malifaux, has the game changed much to its current version)?

Cult of Games Member

Hi Free, you are a breath of fresh air to the BOW/OTT team! Great to see your first project inspiration. I’ve a few of the 1st Edition Malifaux miniatures painted up but I’m looking forward to seeing how you progress. Great start… ??

Cult of Games Member

Nice start to your first Project of many to come Free, I wouldn’t of had you down as Neverborn Faction i imagined you more along the lines of cute and cuddle psychopathic teddies. Maybe next time, now time for me think of a project.

welcome to the nut House.

Cult of Games Member

Hi Free Interested to see what you do, particularly with your artistic background. I also have an artistic background and though I primarily paint in a traditional base colours, wash and Highlights, recently I have been playing with a method that inspires my inner watercolour painter, as a bonus it is particularly well suited organic creatures like your Waldeguists. Firstly this method and to be honest most model painter will build their models first otherwise how do you fill join lines, also if you have a join down a single object you are not going to be able to match… Read more »

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