Spring has Sprung!
Recommendations: 6
About the Project
Huzzah its Spring! Time to dig old a bunch of old bits and pieces and make them all sexy. I cant decide which one i want to work on so im going to butterfly between some WWX Watchers, my old Bolt Action force, Deadzone Factions, tearrain and who knows what else! Strap in and hold on tight as this could go anywhere!
Related Genre: General
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Active
Spring Clean 1
After sifting through the wreckage I removed them from their bases (I have a plan for the bases that’s been stewing for some time, we’ll come back to that later…) and fixed up the broken limbs!
First up I’m attempting to just get the troops table ready.
After a quick Matt coat and some gloss on the gun that’s the basic scheme done. Little bit out there but I want these to look very different to all the rest of the factions.
Just need to knock out the rest before basing…