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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2021

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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I’m adding this to the new Spring Clean challenge.  Its a but cheeky as I’ve been working on this projct for months, but it is essentially one massive Spring Clean challenge.  I’m doing all the stuff that’s been sat ignored on my shelves for years and finally finishing it.  I hope to have everything outside of the undelivered and the Box of Undesireables (Mostly early Mantic stuff I’d rather sell as I don’t use and I got fed up of they way that materials resist a good cleanup) finished this year, and ideally about the same time that KD:M or AT:O gets delivered later this year.

I at least want to finish the 8 models on my desk (Averaging 2 a week under furlough so far) and the monthly extra model that arrives before KD:M gets here (Shipping May?).  That should just leave my untouched Super Fantasy Brawl core box before I do a stock take on the Box of Undesireables and admit I’m probably going to end up painting that after all.

I also have about 1.5l of resin to print before it expires around July.  I’m just waiting for the temperature to rise as I’m told prints fail below 20c and I don’t want to crank the heating up 24/7 all that way just for the printer.  I’m npt sure how others have kept the printing up over winter.  I should look in to printing some more 40K Khorne Daemons substitutes for an upcomming Crusade but I’ve no idea what I’ll want.  If anyone knows 40k Khorne Daemons and doesn’t mind offering advice I’d love a chat.  I hear they’re a little weak by themselves and I should plan on cross factioning it.  I’ve seen mention of adding Nurgle but adding Khorne Marines or just chaos marines seems more thematic but I’ve no clue of it fixes the issue.  I’d prefer to build and paint with an eye to playing in other game modes too.  I know Crusade is more open in what you can add to your army.

I’ve also got a £50 OTT store voucher expiring around June/July which may be spent on MCP or 40K, but I’d be open to a solo player alternative.  Anyone any suggestions?  I might consider the next Warhammer Quest if I knew anything about its campaign mode or gameplay, and if it’ll be out in time.

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