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On the Warcry Path!

On the Warcry Path!

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Warcry Flesh-Eater Court Warband - Part 3

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Teeth are painted with Averland Sunset ot give them a nice yellow tone and then washed with Agrax Earthshade. They will be soon covered in gore!Teeth are painted with Averland Sunset ot give them a nice yellow tone and then washed with Agrax Earthshade. They will be soon covered in gore!
Hair is highlighted with Administratum Grey or any light grey.Hair is highlighted with Administratum Grey or any light grey.
Then a final highlight is applied with white only at the tip or areas most exposed to zenithal light. I also chose to dot the eyes with white (when sculpted) for a quick and efficient look.Then a final highlight is applied with white only at the tip or areas most exposed to zenithal light. I also chose to dot the eyes with white (when sculpted) for a quick and efficient look.
Finally, use Blood for the Blood God to add gore to the mouth, clawed hands, chewed flesh and to the wounds created by the bone piercings. Remember less is more!Finally, use Blood for the Blood God to add gore to the mouth, clawed hands, chewed flesh and to the wounds created by the bone piercings. Remember less is more!
The back muscles and flesh are based in GW Pink Horror, washed with GW Blood for the Blood God and highlighted in GW Emperor ChildrenThe back muscles and flesh are based in GW Pink Horror, washed with GW Blood for the Blood God and highlighted in GW Emperor Children
The  Crypt Flayer's wings are highlighted in GW Wazdakka Red and Wild Rider Red. I suggest using a medium dry-brush.The Crypt Flayer's wings are highlighted in GW Wazdakka Red and Wild Rider Red. I suggest using a medium dry-brush.
Crypt Flayer's wings details.Crypt Flayer's wings details.
Basing is based in craft paint Raw Umber, washed with GW Agrax Earthshade. Leave the wash dry for a good 1/2 hour before applying the final dry-brush. Basing is based in craft paint Raw Umber, washed with GW Agrax Earthshade. Leave the wash dry for a good 1/2 hour before applying the final dry-brush.
Finally highlight the base in GW Ushabti Bones and paint the side of the base with GW Dryad Bark. I decided to not have a clean coat of paint to match the dirty aspect of the base.Finally highlight the base in GW Ushabti Bones and paint the side of the base with GW Dryad Bark. I decided to not have a clean coat of paint to match the dirty aspect of the base.
I chose to decorate the base further by using some of GW skull box (an excellent investment if you decide you will need a lot of bases with skulls and bones. Skulls and bones are applied a layer of Ushabti Bones BEFORE applying them to the base.I chose to decorate the base further by using some of GW skull box (an excellent investment if you decide you will need a lot of bases with skulls and bones. Skulls and bones are applied a layer of Ushabti Bones BEFORE applying them to the base.
Once on the base, apply a wash of GW Agrax Earthshade, followed by a dry-brush of GW Flayed One Flesh (applied with a small dry-brush).Once on the base, apply a wash of GW Agrax Earthshade, followed by a dry-brush of GW Flayed One Flesh (applied with a small dry-brush).
Final aspect of the Crypt Flayer base.Final aspect of the Crypt Flayer base.

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