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Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

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In arduis fidelis

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Been a while thanks to midterm madness, but here is my finished WW2 NW Europe British Army medic! Went with a big white helmet and cross for markings on this chap because I didn’t want to screw up getting the arm band to look right on a scrunched up upper arm. Sort of the same reason I didn’t add division badges like I usually do (they were supposed to take them off, after all).

Colours are my GW equivalents that I'll list below, and they are a bit rough in approximation, but they look good enough for the scale we're working at.Colours are my GW equivalents that I'll list below, and they are a bit rough in approximation, but they look good enough for the scale we're working at.
I decided to pick some similar, but more contrasting, colours for the stretcher to help it stand out. Bearing in mind the Geneva Convention is suuposed to protect this chap, it doesn't matter if some bit 'stand out' on his kit.I decided to pick some similar, but more contrasting, colours for the stretcher to help it stand out. Bearing in mind the Geneva Convention is suuposed to protect this chap, it doesn't matter if some bit 'stand out' on his kit.
The leather jerkin might have been better if it was a slightly darker leather, but well worn leather can always change colour here and there, so I'm not too worried about the overall look. It's not that common on Warlord's British minis, so if I chose a different tone next time it won't look too out of place.The leather jerkin might have been better if it was a slightly darker leather, but well worn leather can always change colour here and there, so I'm not too worried about the overall look. It's not that common on Warlord's British minis, so if I chose a different tone next time it won't look too out of place.
And the Lloyd shot!And the Lloyd shot!

As promised, my uniform approximations using GW paints!


Basecoat Steel Legion Drab

Shade Agrax Earthshade

Layer Steel Legion Drab

Highlight Tallarn Sand



Basecoat Death World Forest (can use Loren Forest)

Shade Biel-Tan Green

Layer Loren Forest

Highlight Ogryn Camo

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