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Cult of Games Member

I have been into Saga since the day it was released. The first thing that drew me to it was the period of History it encompassed, I love anything to do with the Dark Ages. Of the first four factions two I already had covered by my collection (it didn’t stop me buying more)

At the time the only game in town was 40K, happy to say that’s not the case now but it was then so in order to get a game I would have to travel to play in tournaments fortunately Studio Tomahawk had a pretty active forum and managed to get to play quite a bit. I’m not what you would call a tournament player but I did find the Saga tournament scene very friendly especially to any new players that turned up.

The game is simple to play and hard to master is very popular description and it is true

There are a lot of factions now so you can find one that suits your play style or if you so wish pushes you outside of your comfort zone. There is a lot of choice, especially as a lot of the dark age warriors look the same to the non-discerning eye no armour, long hair, spear & shield. Maybe swap out the hearthguard and the warlord and you’ve got a different faction.

So why Saga  for me? I’m a sucker for the period, I’ve met a lot of nice people along the way. I like the mechanics of the game and the ease to try other faction battleboards  but most of all it has Chainmail and Dane Axes and you can’t beat that.

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