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“Return to Normal” Gaming Challenge

“Return to Normal” Gaming Challenge

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Hunters and Reavers

Tutoring 14
Skill 17
Idea 16
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Been a while since my last update, as it took me a while to work through this unit. I’m using GW Indoneth as the base of the force, but painting them up using a Pacific Islander skin tone/color scheme.

it’s the first time I’ve experimented with a non-Caucasian skin tone on a larger scale, and I’m still working on it. This skin tone is:

  • GW Blood reaver flesh
  • Agrax earthshade
  • GW knight questor flesh/ Blood Reaver flesh 50/50 mix
  • Knight Questor Flesh

Also, as these are meant to be from an undersea force, I tried replacing metallic components with bone/shell for the weapons and armor plates. The bone color also gave a nice contrast to otherwise dark models. Colors:

  • Vallejo stone grey
  • GW Seraphim Sepia Wash
  • GW wraithbine edge highlight
  • white spot highlight

While I like the result, I need a break before doing another of these units.

Questions and C&C welcome!

Reaver 1 front viewReaver 1 front view
Reaver 1 rear viewReaver 1 rear view
Reaver 2 front viewReaver 2 front view
Reaver 2 rear viewReaver 2 rear view

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