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Anglo Danes for SAGA

Anglo Danes for SAGA

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Trees 1

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8

I kicked things off by making some trees. Woodland Scenics armatures pasted onto mdf bases I got from a local company.

I’d heard good things about Sculptamold so I gave it a try. It had a nice, uneven finish that made it look like natural ground. I stuck a few stones in and let it dry.

It took ages to dry. I noticed later that it chips quite easily if you leave edges proud. Annoying because you get white flecks in the middle of your paint job. I’m on the fence with Sculptamold. Not blown away by it so far.

After this I got my kids to help me paint them up. I got a mix of craft paints and mixed some earthy tones then we lathered the paint on.

After painting I flocked the bases with 4 different types of flock: dark, mid and light green along with an earth mix. Again, a good one for my kids to help with.

For foliage I attached lichen to the trees. It looks nice but was a pain to affix and I’m not convinced it’ll survive too well in a terrain box. We’ll see how it goes.

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seldon9Avernos Recent comment authors
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looks good, I don’t know about sculptamold, but when I’ve done similar things with ready mixed filler there are two things I do to help.
First off add some grey/brown paint to it when it’s wet so chips are darker coloured.
I also add PVA to give it some elasticity which also helps prevent some chips.

Don’t know if they will work, but keep it up….SAGA

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