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Batman: Jodain's Chronicles

Batman: Jodain's Chronicles

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Bats, Bats and more Bats

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Time to paint some Bats, in this case the Batswarms (4), Batman of Moscow, Batman Year 100 and Blue Bird.

The bat swarms were painted with Black Templar (slightly thinned), with Leviadon Blue at the bottom.  There were finished with a dry brush of Vallejo Sky Grey.

The Batman figures blacks were painted in the same ways as the Bats, I’ve got comfortable with this, shadows were picked out with a second coat of Black Templar as well.

Bat SwarmsBat Swarms
Blue Bird, Batman Year 100 and Batman of MoscowBlue Bird, Batman Year 100 and Batman of Moscow

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