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Ambush Valley - a Vietnam Project

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Part 1- the USMC

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 9
Part 1- the USMC

The minis I got for my USMC arw Battlefronts nam range and really great little sculpts.

Since we will playing pretty small scale operations I just assembled one understenght squad (with the 3rd fireteam still on the workbench)

For painting I was heavily inspired by the Lead under the  Bed blog which you can find here:


To get some vehicles into my list I will later on add one or two M50 Ontos for ground support and an UH-1 MEDEVAC to get my woundet out of the combat zone.

We will using the Force on Force rules wich have some pretty nasty Vietnam additions.

That will be a tough time for my grunts.

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oriskanyminiaturebrushworkcollins Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

what scale are those models? 20 or 15mm?

Cult of Games Member

Always glad to see the USMC represented @miniaturebrushwork .

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