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REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

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Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 9
My first 10mill redcoats. I have sold half of my 28m collection with the intention of reorganizing them for skirmish games and going large battle scale with these tiny chaps. Not sure which battle to prepare for. German town maybe or BrandywineMy first 10mill redcoats. I have sold half of my 28m collection with the intention of reorganizing them for skirmish games and going large battle scale with these tiny chaps. Not sure which battle to prepare for. German town maybe or Brandywine

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oriskanydenzien Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Germantown or Brandywine, @denzien ? Why all British victories? (says the man who’s screen name is essentially a Crown victory as well … ) Just kidding, great to see a shift toward larger scale engagements. 😀

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