converting a toy helicarrier
Recommendations: 321
About the Project
trying to look for ideas here with the hive mind. this is what i have some far.
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Completed
small beginings
here is some of the 1st parts. i downloaded a file called sci fi starship frame. need some help with some ideas on how to do this
so i changed how i was going to build the hull of the ship. i have decided to use the wings of darth vader’s tie fighter to cover the hull. i explained today on the xlbs show i used tinkercad to convert the wings to look armored. also resized them to fit the frame a little better. I will post some pics of that. another thing i am using is a 3d printed floor for the inside of the ship to make it playable. which i will post as well
dry fitting parts
so for the hull of the hellicarrier i needed to dry fit the parts to make sure I had enough armor plating and to also make sure that the armor plating would fit. I will need to extend the frame a bit so that I can squeeze one more plate in. I have printed the engine as well so in total it will be around 2ft 5in around about that. once that is done it will be time to super glue for the quick hold, then to use gorilla glue for a sturdy hold. after the frame is all glued down it will be on to flooring and side panel walls to hide all the mess. I am thinking of adding some sort of wiring for the engine just to make it look a bit more busy.
gluing it all together
so after few dry fittings and test. i have started to glue the whole thing together. in truth i should have printed more support rods to hold the frame steady, live and learn, but this being my 1st try on something like this I just pushed through it. I did cut some syrene sheet as a backing for the engine. I am having to wait to glue the engine on until the rest of the hull cures. I also cut the top frame work to allow myself room to glue the floor down. I will ask the HOW(house of water) on how i should make the bottom of the hull look. I want to break the look of how oval the thing looks.
more glued photo shots
so i have learned some things here. 1 is i suck at planning things. this was kind of on the fly making a thing. is it the best way to do? i dont think so, but i needed to start, so i started. so it is kind of adhoc. still need to add the interior walls and some bottom shape for the hull but almost ready to paint. i think once painted it will look more solid as a model
closing in on the outer hull
so i have started to finish off the outer portion of the ship. finished the under part of the hull. aslo added a drop door for troop[s or vehicles. Just need to print the upper portion of the front door and a missle launcher for the toy itself.
most recent pics of an almost done thing
took these last night before I finish the outside, one pic is of a lighted interior.
new pics
finished printing all parts for the outer hull and primed them up. now i just need to do the final paint on the outside
outside is table ready
just need a bit of detail work on the nose and tail. added more detail to the nose.
all is ready well mostly ready
added paint to the interior, also tried to green stuff (for the 1st time) some larger gaps that i could see light thru. calling this phase complete. I will need to be adding lights and some form of engine on the back wall ( I think that will be used to hide the power supply for the lighting). As I really dont play any games I will be taking it to a hobby store and seeing if I can get someone to game on it. I hope to be taking pics or video of said game and will post. I am starting to think of some ideas for a 40k battleship type just need to purchase some bastions and other parts.