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IDF mechanized company

IDF mechanized company

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Pereh and more M113 conversions

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 8

Still waiting for my infantry. I was so bored that I ordered even more, but most of it is not available too.

Well what was in store are those Pereh ATGM carriers. Besides looking just amazing they are great snipers to counter AA or enemy key models.

Despite looking like a real tank they have a fake gun so they pretty much suck at giving close support to the rest of the army.

The kits are resin snd metal ones like most of BF‘s special kits. Not the best fitting quality. I essentially painted them the same as the Merkavas but as I used to mix the highlight without a formula there maa as y be some slight differences which gives them some diversion.

For 75 and 100 points I calculated that I need lots of M113, at 100 I will get 23 M113 based vehicles including mortars, tank hunters and AA.

To bring some more diversity into the transport section I converted 2 more vehicles to IDF standard.

The first one is my company HQ. The wire will hold an Israeli flag later on for easy recognition. I even ordered some seated IDF dudes from Peter Pig to put some into the open hatch.

The second one is an M113 Fitter ARV. I stumbled across pictures of these and thought I can sneak one in to give the transport units some eyecatcher. I designed the extra pieces using blender and printed them together with some more stuff for upcoming M113.

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Cult of Games Member

2023-11-28 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

The armour is looking fantastic for the game table’s @miniaturebrushwork congratulations on your project getting a gold button.

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