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Husaria - Building a Polish army for the 1620s

Husaria - Building a Polish army for the 1620s

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Tutoring 14
Skill 14
Idea 14

To complete the unit I followed my normal basing approach. The figures were glued, two figures to each 50mm wide and 60mm deep, 2mm thick, MDF base, from Warbases. The bases were then covered in an earth coloured paint and PVA glue mix, and sharp sand sprinkled on to the mixture while it was still wet. Once the paint-PVA mix was dry it was dry brushed with a beige colour, and then static grass and tufts were glued on with more PVA.

Hussars glued to MDF bases from Warbases.Hussars glued to MDF bases from Warbases.

With a final fanfare of trumpets my first unit of Hussars was completed!

The finished unit charging in to action!The finished unit charging in to action!

It feels pretty good to have the first unit done. I realise that I have made a bit of a ‘song and dance’ over one unit of cavalry, but I really enjoyed putting it together, and trying out some new techniques. I’m also pleased that the unit looks like I’d hoped it would, and should give a good impression of a 1620s Hussar formation.

Next in the painting queue is another unit of Hussars. I look forward to pushing through a bit faster on this one, using all of the lessons learnt on this first unit.

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AndyShingensundancerChris Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I’ve enjoyed reading all the posts showing all you’ve been doing to reach the finish point for your first unit, and that’s a very good looking end result. Looking forward to seeing the next units.

Cult of Games Member


Cult of Games Member

Necessitas in loco, spes in virtute, salus in victoria!

Truly glorois unit! Congratulations sir!

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