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Ratmen Team

Ratmen Team

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The best laid plans of rats and men!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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So I have this friend. One of my best friends. I mention him in the description of this project- well hes gone from snotling to Black Ork in no time and is now a l33t BB coach. And hes been talking to me about the new BB2 rules … so I decided this weekend was perfect to finish off this little project and team and have it ready to play- I’ve only a couple of models to paint- no worries!
Then … I realised I somehow bought a 3d printer for my birthday earlier this month and my friend was like – “awesome! Can we print BB teams on it?” I was like yeah sure- if I can find the STLs (not really thinking about looking for them). But then I did!

There’s not that many out there but I just happened to come across this guy

The January release was 19 support minis for a rat team! Wait a minute – *I* play rats!! I just had to get them and add them to the roster!

The best laid plans of rats and men!

So the printer got fired up and I picked 6 of these to put down on the plate! Plug in your settings and hope it doesn’t fail!

Looking good!Looking good!

And there you have it. That’s 6 more minis I have to paint before this project is complete! And the armoured Rat Ogre is currently in the printer!

I hate you Josh! ??

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