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What have you done!?!?? Uruk hai....

What have you done!?!?? Uruk hai....

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Ohhhhh Shhh#%#$$€tt! Scope creep alarm!

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Well, being a builder I am more than familiar with scope creep. You start with a squeaky door then there is a hole in the house and a bath being delivered.

Miniatures are worse than this.

I love the look of what I’m doing, the Uruk are turning out better than I hoped. So I’ve bought more. And more. And some Elves. Actually quite a few Elves……

More Elves in another project!

And the expansions to the Uruks will be in a project expansion.

So here is the core army complete!

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