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Start with the end in mind

Start with the end in mind

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Start with the end in mind

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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..And the next mini to finish is.... The US Marshall from the dungeon crawl Shadows of Brimstone (Swamps of Death Core 2)..And the next mini to finish is.... The US Marshall from the dungeon crawl Shadows of Brimstone (Swamps of Death Core 2)

So here is the US Marshall.  The last time he saw some paint was probably 2/3 years ago.  Although Shadows of Brimstone is a good game and often compared to Warhammer Quest (1995), the miniatures themselves are pretty basic and lack detail so I had to work harder to get a result that I was prepared to say ‘O.K., that’ll do!’.

Here's the finished result.  I'm still not happy but then again I never am with my finished minis but again, two tears in a bucket f**k it!  I'm calling it done and moving on.  I've done nothing with the base because I'm putting these miniatures on clear bases and I want to rattle can varnish them before I stick them down and it's a bit cold out there at the moment to use a rattle can, especially with varnish!Here's the finished result. I'm still not happy but then again I never am with my finished minis but again, two tears in a bucket f**k it! I'm calling it done and moving on. I've done nothing with the base because I'm putting these miniatures on clear bases and I want to rattle can varnish them before I stick them down and it's a bit cold out there at the moment to use a rattle can, especially with varnish!
The archetype Lloyd shot.. nice arse Mr. Marshall, sir. The archetype Lloyd shot.. nice arse Mr. Marshall, sir.

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