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Conquest 100 Kingdoms by The Dace

Conquest 100 Kingdoms by The Dace

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Milestone 3 into Milestone 4

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 5

So, into a new year and hopefully a better one for all.

I’m pleased to say that I have completed my milestone 3 and more!

Firstly the Men at Arms are finished.

Milestone 3 into Milestone 4

The extra crossbow men have been added and will be painted along with my original 12 in the future.

My Imperial officer has not only been started but completed.

I am really happy with how he came out.

Milestone 3 into Milestone 4
Milestone 3 into Milestone 4

The Steel legion have been tidied up a little and I’ve even made a start on painting them.


Milestone 3 into Milestone 4

Milestone 4 will be as follows

  1. Finish painting my Steel legion unit
  2. Put together and paint up a veteran model that I received for Christmas
  3. Add some texture and grass to my unit base stands.

I’m giving myself a month to complete the above, wish me luck.

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Cult of Games Member

The face on your character is really well done.

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