Bloodbowl Part 2
Recommendations: 121
About the Project
Just when I think its over.. They release a new season and I get it for Christmas and can't help myself and buy some more teams. So this project will be the journey of painting every thing.
Related Game: Blood Bowl
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Sports
This Project is Active
Horrors done
Highlighted with orange fire, Escorpena green and wolf grey. Metals got a coat of nuln oil and then a dry brush of ryza rust.
Bases got a coat of a mix of Pva glue, sand, cork ballast and green paint. Then a dry brush of sun yellow followed by a coat of stone tone. Then lines were then dry brushed on with white primer. then some tuffs of grass were added.
Missed the 2 on the back of a zombie so added now.
Necromantic Horror Team
All Base coats done using contrast except for the metal.
Paints used :
Pale burnt metal,
ork flesh, gryph-hound orange (main short/shirt colours)
Plaguebearer flesh, space wolves grey (skin)
Basilcanum grey (fur), Skeleton bone (bones), Wyldwood (timber), Aggaros dunes and snakebite leather (ropes and leather)
Nazdreg yellow (straw and pegs), volupus pink (brains and mouths) Apothecray white (ghost sheets)
All models got a zenith of black and white. The ghost got a extra coat from above with a white ink.