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Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

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That's a wrap...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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So with less than two hours to go before the end of 2020 I’ve painted every model that I set out to paint back in January, more or less.


You may notice I had Arena: The Contest miniatures that I had planned to paint. However after playing the game a few times I decided it wasn’t for me so I sold everything on. In their place I did join the Path of Conquest event so have painted about 1500 of Dweghom instead. Plus there have been several other miniatures I bought this year that I also painted up, such as the two cyber fairies and Erzebel that I painted most recently.


Overall I’m counting this project as completed to my satisfaction.

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