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Got this cool Lawgiver for Christmas!
This Project is Completed
My friend in Germany 3D printed a very cool Lawgiver (95 film version) and sent it to me for Christmas. I was soooo excited! Primed chaos black. GW spray can. White primer (ceramite GW) on the bits I wanna paint silver, and the lights on the side. Grey seer (GW) on the white bits to get rid of the streaking which I could have predicted. SMH Silver (ironbreaker GW) on the metal bits. Blood Angel contrast (GW) on the lights. Vermillion (Vallejo) on the lights to brighten them up a bit and reduce the 3D print lines. Dark Grey (Vallejo) on all the black edges, and Nuln Oil shade on the metallic recesses. NEXT? Tempted to put transfers or Justice Dep logos or a serial number or something. BUT don't wanna ruin it...