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Maxkee's Project Log _ Longest Day

Maxkee's Project Log _ Longest Day

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Painting started

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
Workplace organizedWorkplace organized
Painting started
Painting started

So after a bit of a hiatus, because of a new job, I have started organising the workplace after the move last year and got busy with painting.

I like batch painting as much as possible and to facilitate it I have printed some holders for the wooden bobbins I use as a holder for my miniatures. I then do a certain color for all the miniatures, moving the holders across when I have finished. I have holders and bobbins to do a 100 miniatures in this manner. However for this project I settled on 45 ish per batch. That would mean roughly 4 batches till I have the infantry done. I think it is a nice balance between productivity and getting results.

I like batch painting because it really speeds up painting through a combination of

  1. repetition (you know all the bots which need to be painted so don’t have to look for them) and,
  2. focus (because with so many to do at once, I don’t spend too much time on a single figure)

The Vallejo model colors and sequence I paint these in is as follows,

  1. Flat Flesh for hands and face
  2. German Camo Beige for the jacket, webbing, backpack and gaiters
  3. English Uniform for the woolen pants (without side pockets)
  4. 1/1 mix of US Dark Green and Green Grey for the HBT pants
  5. US Dark Green for Helmets
  6. Brown Violet for the webbing on the helmets
  7. Mahogany for the shoes, straps and bajonet sheath
  8. German camo medium brown for the ground
  9. German Grey for the steel on the gun and buckles etc.
  10. Flat brown for the wood on the gun and bajonet
  11. Beige for the shovel handles
  12. White for the eyes and teeth
  13. Black for the pupils
  14. Flat red for open mouths

After painting everything I do a quick check with all the colors to correct any mistake/mishap. After which I do:

  1. A wash of Agrax earthshade
  2. re-highlight flat flash
  3. re-highlight German Camo Beige
  4. re-highlight English Uniform
  5. re-highlight 1/1 mix of US Dark Green and Green Grey
  6. Matt varnish
  7. re-paint and flock the base

Currently I am at step 8 and you start to see a difference versus the unpainted figures.

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Cult of Games Member

2? TWO Longest Day boxes? Are yee mad!? I’m still working on my Pegasus Bridge set 2 years in! Mind you I’m slow and have taken plenty of breaks from the hobby!

Seriously though – I love following this – look forward to seeing your progress! Keep it up and keep me inspired ?

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