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A City worth fighting for?

A City worth fighting for?

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25 Sep 20: The first foray into Felstad

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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My mate Steve expressed an interest in trying out Frostgrave, and talked another friend into trying it. Nick is essentially a Normie, he enjoys board and card games, but hasn’t been into Miniatures or RPG style game’s. The three of us have played a good chunk of Gloomhaven, so Steve sold the idea to Nick based on that experience.

We started with a “Session 0” learning how to assemble a party, build a wizard etc and put minis on the table to learn the rules. This wouldn’t go on to be a part of our campaign, just a practice session to see how we liked it.

Steve has minis of his own. He used a mix of Pathfinder/D&D, old Citadel Elves and Dark Souls board game minis. For Nick I delved into my painted minis and let him choose what he liked. He mostly opted for Wrath of Kings Shael Han minis.
I decided to go for something different and used Orcs. An old metal Wild Orc Shaman for my Wizard, a plastic Citadel Night Goblin for the apprentice and my Mantic Dungeon Saga Orcs and goblins for the rest of the warband.

My Orc warband make their way to the towerMy Orc warband make their way to the tower
Bottom Left: My Orcs. Top Left: Steve’s crew. Top Right: Nick’s groupBottom Left: My Orcs. Top Left: Steve’s crew. Top Right: Nick’s group
Some of my Wrath of Kings minis actually get use in a game!Some of my Wrath of Kings minis actually get use in a game!
A thief and a ranger claim a treasure, but at the end of the lane, a Wizard stares menacingly!A thief and a ranger claim a treasure, but at the end of the lane, a Wizard stares menacingly!

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