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The Path to Directorate

The Path to Directorate

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Milestone 2 start

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5

Alright, let us continue!

For Milestone 2 I’ve basically picked what was available in our local gaming shop from The Spires range. I’ve ordered more stuff but it will probably come in January next year.

So in M2 I am painting Abomination from the Core box, Marksman Clones, Mimetic Assassin and a Biomancer.

I’ve built Marksman Clones and man it was pretty tough job – specially those arrows killed me – I think I’ve broken each getting it out of the sprue. But I loooove the models – they really look badass!

Abomination was primed in chaos black. I started laying the base colours for the armour – scenery for the base was done in M1 so now it needs painting. Pretty sure this model will take up majority of my time – just because it is freaking huge!

Mimetic Assassin – oh I just love it – the resin quality is by far best I’ve had in my hands so far. Just wow. For this model I will certainly be leveling up the painting job as I did for Pheromancer. I’ve added the Brute Drone head that I had leftover from building that kit – wanted to add up to the Drones decaying on the field theme.

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Andrej TalajicSteve Sauve Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Look like good additions. The assassin model is really nice with its sense of motion and menace. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

Congrats on your Spotlight by the way, well deserved!

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