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Start with the end in mind

Start with the end in mind

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Start with the end in mind

Tutoring 4
Skill 8
Idea 8
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And the first miniature pulled from the hat to paint is....And the first miniature pulled from the hat to paint is....
This is how the Necron looked at first so this is the first picture I took.  The lighting was not great as it was taken at night.This is how the Necron looked at first so this is the first picture I took. The lighting was not great as it was taken at night.

This is the picture of the Necron (with a little paint added) taken during the day so the lighting is a bit better.

I’m calling it done here.  Normally I spend a lot longer on miniatures.  For example, taking time to blend the blues on the back plates that hang down from the arm but for the sake of finishing, I just did a basic job.  On reflection, I think there’s probably too much blue here, specifically the back plates that hang down but two tears in a bucket f*!# it..

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