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More of that Sweet, Sweet Marvel

More of that Sweet, Sweet Marvel

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Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Once i saw that the wings were clear acrylic I decided not to paint them. I figured the texture and color difference would be nice and that clear wings would be perfect. I guess I’m in the minority since it looks like everyone else is painting them. I really like my final result. I just left them on the sprue (so they didn’t wander off) until everything else was painted up. This, of course, had the added benefit of making painting the rest considerably easier. Then, after a layer of matte varnish, I glued them in and brush primed, painted, and varnished the nubbin in the center.
This concludes the current batch that I have. I do have Miles Morales and Spider Gwen coming sometime in January. That may be the extent of my CP purchases for a bit. I will get the X-Men at some point, of course. Who could resist? However, I have a bunch of other things to paint (I’m looking at you Relic Blades, Rising Sun, Guildball, Infinity…) and I really do have A) many of my favorite characters, B) more than enough minis to field a wide variety of squads.
Side note about painting yellow: it used to be a real bugbear until I tried some Montana paints. They’re meant for ink pens but you can get the refills and they are full of pigment, work great in an airbrush and work well with a brush, though you have to avoid using them on large flat surfaces as they crack. There are four colors (an orangish brown, an orange, a bright yellow, and a pale yellow) that I use for yellow and there’s not of the need for multiple coats that so many yellows exhibit.

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