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Creating my Primaris Space Wolves Chapter

Creating my Primaris Space Wolves Chapter

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The project so far

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 6

It’s been an awesome journey so far. The Red Wolves chapter look amazing all together. There are definitely some holes in the force, some more transport would be awesome and the new tanks that have been released would definitely provide some much needed heavy fire support.

I’ve also been thinking of some of the more traditional space wolves models but I do want this force to stay mainly Primaris. I think I can get away with the Thunder Wolf Cavalry but I’m not really sure what else. There are more Primaris marines that I haven’t got of course!

The project so far

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Dane RichardsTeiscivilcourage Recent comment authors
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@dane001 stunning work, you’ve certainly made the indomitus marines your own. Cant wait to see more.
Got mine primed ready for painting but dount I’ll be converting much.

Cult of Games Member

This is absolutely wonderful project.

Came for the brilliant project title – stayed for the awesome content.

Well done mate.

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