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Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniatures Game

Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniatures Game

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Okoye fixed and Shuri built

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

So I ended up cutting the centre of the spear on Okoye by the upper hand to adjust it’s lengths to have the hand meet the wrist. This left me with a gap of around 2-3mm. I had a look into what bits and pieces I had but nothing was the right size to cut and fill so I went back to and old method of mine for a fix.

I grabbed my super glue gel and dripped some into the gap. I then let it dry for a few hours then did a second layer in the area which I applied with a toothpick. This gave me more material than I needed which is fine. Having let that dry I then filed the excess superglue down to meet the dimensions of the spear haft.

The results look fairly good but I will make a final assessment once it has been primed and I can see it a lot more clearly.

I also added some scatter which I will paint up as broken concrete with the rocks that characters are standing on a different colour to suggest something is going on.


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Cult of Games Member

Nice job on the fix. Hadn’t tried that before but will keep it in mind now.

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