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Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniatures Game

Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniatures Game

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Building Okoye, a mistake has been made

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1

Soooo, one thing I always seem to struggle with when assembling miniatures is those that have weapons or other parts that gap two parts of a mini. In this case it is the spear of Okoye which has the hands spaced out on the spear, needing to mate with the wrists. The arms are also a separate piece from the main body of the miniature and I thought I had placed them on in the right position. Sadly I made a mistake, being a whole hands width off as you can see in the picture. Due to the build sequence the arms are already glued so I will likely need to shear a centre portion of the spear out and glue it back together to shorten it to fit.

Building Okoye, a mistake has been made

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Cult of Games Member

Ouch, that’s a bummer. Multi-join parts are always tricky. Is it her right arm that’s off do you think? Would it pop off or is it pretty well situated? Your idea of cutting the spear is probably the best. Maybe cut it just at the base of the hand to give you a bit of play in lining it up and attaching.

Good luck!

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