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Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniatures Game

Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniatures Game

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Getting started

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 4

So I am lucky enough to have a couple of friends who have recently invested in this and it is a game that I want to have a try at.

It is well supported online so the first thing I did was have a look at the miniature range and settle on what I wanted on my team.

After much deliberation and shuffling around I settled on a couple of themed groups that I like the minis for.

The team I settled on is built around a Spiderverse, Wakanda theme.


Spiderman (Miles Morales)

Ghost Spider

Black Panther



This comes in at 19 points allowing me to add a gem to make a roster of 20 points, with a mix of costs so I can adjust to lower points values easily for game scenarios.

The first minis I am working on are Spiderman (Miles) and Ghost Spider.

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GazSteve Sauve Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Interested to see how this project progresses. I’ve been looking at CP as well of late. The models look good and the game seems to have some interesting concepts (haven’t read the rules yet but enjoyed BoW’s play through). I’m a bit put off by the price point for the expansions (retail seems to be around $40 USD for 2 models) though the starter pack seems reasonable.

As far as your force goes, do you plan to work off the normal color schemes or do something of your own?

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