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TTCombat Terraced House (Experiment)

TTCombat Terraced House (Experiment)

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Ice, ice, icicle. Bice, bice, bicycle. Test, test, testing ... 1.2.3

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
1 Comment

Initially I was planning on giving the whole model a wash but I was worried that the creamy walls might just end up looking like some sort of dirty protest so decided to run a few tests.

I cut out 4 pieces of card, textured and base coated them as per the model and then tried out a couple of different techniques.

  1. A wash with watered down burnt umber and a dash of Fairy liquid.
  2. As above but mixed with the base coat.
  3. The cheaters method – hit it with rattle cans.
  4. See if I can do anything with an airbush. (Spoiler alert: probably not – don’t have much experience with airbrushing!)

First up the wash method:

Burnt umber wash (left). Mixed with base coat (right)Burnt umber wash (left). Mixed with base coat (right)

Hmm – as I suspect it, it looks like crap – literally. However that’s just the first step in this process – next up I gave them an overbrush with the original basecoat:

After overbrushingAfter overbrushing

Much better. That could be acceptable – particularly the one on the right.

Next up rattle cans – first with AP Leather Brown then some Skelly Bone. And the airbrush with model air Mud Brown and Light Brown.

Rattle can (left). Airbrush (right)Rattle can (left). Airbrush (right)

I like both of these techniques. I prefer the control I get with the airbrush but it’s starting to look a little too Mediterranean. I plan these buildings to be more northern Europe – Normandy campaign. The rattle can looks a little more realistic I think – just a dirty building.

It may just be that all my airbrush browns are a little too reddish. I know you can use regular paints through an airbrush if you thin them down properly but every time I’ve done it in the past it just ends up clogging my brush, causes lots of splatter and is a pain to clean. Maybe an excuse to pick up a few new paints!

Finally just for fun, I hit the last piece with all of the airbrush browns I have in my collection just to see how they all look!

All the Browns! OverkillAll the Browns! Overkill

Ok so that’s where we stand. If anyone has any comments or suggestions or wants to let me know which of the test pieces they think works best, please stick a comment below. I’d love to know what you guys think.

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Cult of Games Member

I’d have gone with left hand overbrushed wash.

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