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TTCombat Terraced House (Experiment)

TTCombat Terraced House (Experiment)

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Prime and Basecoat

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Initially I was going to use a little Pollyfilla to remove the detail at the corners of the walls to make a smooth transition. In the end I didn’t bit in retrospect I should have at least filled the points where the tabs join as these stand out quite a lot and don’t look good.

But anyway I started off by priming everything with a Rust-oleum matt grey primer. This gave a nice smooth finish.

I wanted a little texture on the exterior walls so I mixed up some Crown Sandstone house paint with some fine sand and PVA and used that as the first base coat. After that it took about 4 more coats of thinned down sandstone to cover the primer and get the colour and consistency I wanted.

The interior walls were done in a ‘Sand’ hobby shop acrylic (again needing about 4-5 coats). I didn’t really have a good brick colour so I mixed up some ‘ochre red’, ‘burnt umber’ and ‘sand’ acrylics to get something that looked good enough for a base colour. It might be a little dark but I’ll try and lighten it up in later stages. Floors and stairs were done in ‘burnt umber’.

The roof I gave a single coat of ‘slate grey’ house paint. Some of the lighter primer still showed though but I liked the look with the slight variation in colour and think it will work well.

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