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TTCombat Terraced House (Experiment)

TTCombat Terraced House (Experiment)

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Plan (sort of) and Build

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12
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I’ve bought quite a few MDF kits over the years. I really enjoy building them and seeing them come together but every time I go to paint one I am completely daunted. I spend ages reading advice, watching YouTube and BoW videos – there is so much different advice out there – do I wash with PVC, just use house paints, do I need shellac?? I spend so long researching it that I end up doing nothing. Well it’s finally time to bite the bullet and just go for it. What could go wrong?!

For my first piece I’ve decided to go for the Terraced House from TTCombat. At just £7 this is a pretty cheap piece so if it all goes horribly wrong I won’t be crying too much.

The rough plan is to spray prime, and mix up some textured house paint for the bare walls. Other large areas I’ll try to do with house paint as well and then use miniature paint for the details.

The Build

Now I know it’s probably better to paint the pieces on the sprue – but when I see a kit I get excited and just want to get it built! Also I think the built piece helps me visualise the final look better.

The build was a doddle. There are no instructions in the pack, but TTCombat have detailed PDFs on all their kits on their website. All the pieces were secured to the sprue with just 2 small tabs and everything fit together snugly with no filing or adjustment required. All-in-all – for £7 I’d say this is great value for money.

Unusually, unlike most other kits I have, the two stories don’t come apart – instead access to the interior is achieved by removing the rear walls in 2 sections. Haven’t seen this before – it works quite well but it does leave a big gap between the two stories at the rear.


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