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Irish SAGA

Irish SAGA

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Kitbash Brian

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 9
Kitbash Brian

My kitbash Brian of Boru.
I used the Victrix Anglo-Dane and Viking command sprues as the base, with a Wargames Atlantic shield and scabbard. I didn’t have any scabbards left with the sword hilt, so I cut a hilt from the command sprue and glued it on top.
One of the heads on sprue had a headband. Not sure if it was meant to be fabric or metal, but I painted it Army Painter Weapons Bronze to be his crown.
The arms are meant to be joined on the axe and posed across the chest, but after some cutting and gluing I managed to get the pose I wanted and added the shield.
The flint stones took some picking and balancing, but once I was happy with the selection I PVAed them in place.
The cloth across the top stone is just a piece of PVA coated wetwipe.
The bible is made from cereal box card for the cover and jiffy bag squares as pages.

Kitbash Brian
Kitbash Brian
Kitbash Brian

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Cult of Games Member

Let me be the first to say what a wonderful little piece you have done here. The bible and cloth on the stones really, really makes this model shine.

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