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Civs foray into his own plastic addiction

Civs foray into his own plastic addiction

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Project Blog by civilcourage

Recommendations: 169

About the Project

So I've been a gamer since I was 11 and warhammer was always my go to. Over the years I've picked up a few armies and as an adult with more disposable income I've picked up even more models and armies I always wanted as a kid. What I haven't had time to do is actually paint much of it as fantasy was killed off and my local group got more into historical. Lately a local group has formed talking about playing 6th ed warhammer once lockdown has finished so I finally have no reason not to paint my collection. The hardest part is theres so much of it, I'm a bit daunted so I am doing a slow grow league with that way I am painting up bite size chunks and get playable armies. Let's see how far I can get on.

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Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 4
1 Comment

Working on some halflings to back up my empire army.Its nice that these older sculpts have quite  big eyes so decided to actually paint the eyes.  Pretty pleased the eyes are actually looking in the same direction.

A Change of Direction

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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At the start of this project way back when i was suign this as a way of getting back into 6th ed warhammer, the old world was dead, some interest flared up in my local area so it seemed like a decent motivation to get my stuff painted.

Fast forward almost a year and i have now discovered Warhammer Armies project (WAP) and am in love with the game. I did try 6th ed and whilst balanced lead to some rather lack luster combats and guessing of artillery meant i kept avoiding artillery, which for an empire player was shameful.

Helped out by miniwargamings Steve (now also under mountain miniatures on youtube) regularly putting out bat reps for WAP and having such fun and squarehammer also doing in depth reviews of army books (also on youtube) and doing even more bat reps i have found some reinvigoration for the project.

Even my local group have started playing, mainly for the nostalgia but they seem to be enjoying it. Its an excuse to put the 3d printed armies to good use as well, one now has a chaos dwarf army to field.

My current aim is to paint up my Middenheim empire army, which to be fair was half painted to start with, to get me going. I can then start on the other armies i have slowly getting them fnished unit by unit.

This could be my game, the one i play to the exclusion of all overs, mainly becuase i dont get much gaming time so one game is all i can really manage!

Books are free and really easy to use and follow, they can be found here:

They even have a really good app to help with rules and quick searches during gaming:

Ive printed out the army books im interested using places like DOXdirect (they do black friday sales and a newsletter sometimes with discounts) and have downloaded battlescribe to build out lists (this has been really good too and made the experience great, it even has the magic rules and spell etc).

All in all my intro into WAP has been seamless and im in love with what they have done with the 8th ed books to make things more balanced and interesting.

I cant wait to get some more games in.




3d printing for the win

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 2
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So ive been 3d printing parts from the reptilian overlords militia set and using up the spares from my empite state troop to create more troops.. sourcing some heads from puppets war that look like hardy worshippers of Ulric ive managed to double up my empire army. now they need some shields. Turns out 3d printing is once again to the rescue. i have sourced a shield stl and turns out you can drag jpeg images into microsoft 3d builder and it creates 3d images out of it! drop the 3d image onto the shield stl and hit the intersect option and it curves the design to the shape of the shield. my mind is blown! ive created some shields now with designs taken from the empire heraldry book and have them printing out. if all works my state troops will all have shields with designs taken straight from the middenheim heraldry section. i need to look at how i can apply this to banners next and see if thats an option. im very excited about this!!!

These are the designs ive done in 3d builderThese are the designs ive done in 3d builder
The physical prints turned out wellThe physical prints turned out well
Test on a state trooper, might scale down a little Test on a state trooper, might scale down a little

After printing i have decided to make the design on the shield less pronouonced, currenty its the same depth as the shield. Have rejigged the designs and am going to put another run on tonight and see how that looks.

Hopefully get more than a handful of shields off the print since the cold has made printing really problematic.

Middenheim state troops

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Middenheim state troops
The shield design id like to use, the white wolfThe shield design id like to use, the white wolf

Finished my Middenheim halberdiers, wanted to give them some appropriate shields without the hassle of freehanding the wolf designs that i really like.


Fortunatley i was shown how to create 3d images of pictures and lay them on top of other 3d files. This means i can take iconography from the empire heraldry book and turn them into designs on shields which i can then print.

Theoretically i should be able to do this with banners as well. I have some i have created on my printer at the moment so will see how they come out.

Middenheim state troops

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Bit of a WIP shot of my Middenheim empire halberdiersBit of a WIP shot of my Middenheim empire halberdiers

A giant addition

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 3
A giant addition
A giant addition

I have finally got back to painting and sorted out an old school giant. No army to put it in but its  a classic

Sidetracked by elves

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 4
1 Comment
Sidetracked by elves

So I had some elves partially painted so I have finished those off before committing to completed unpainted models.

I’m not feeling painting undead at the moment either so am going for something more colourful. No idea what yet but it’s not like a have a shortage of options!

Sidetracked by Skinks

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Sidetracked by Skinks

Found some skinks undercoated and as I’ve been using contrast paints to get them done thought I could use a nice quick paint job to get some done.

Now I have 40 skinks painted, 20 bow and 20 javelin armed.

Now off to paint some more stuff to paint.

The shambling mob

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
The shambling mob

So this is what i have so far. Need some wolves to round out the army.

Otherwise not as much as i thought to paint.

I need to finish off one Saurus Warrior then i can get cracking onto these guys.

The dead arise - Undead 500 point list

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Undead list

Necromancer lvl 2 100

17 Zombies 102

Standard 10

20 Skeletons 160

Standard 10

Spirit host 65

5 Dire wolves 50


Ive got the Zombies and skeletons painted, i have the spirit host and necromancer base coated and dont even own any dire wolves so there is my to do list.

Better get cracking!

Edit: i lied i have a painted necromancer!


Bretonnian 500pt army

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Bretonnian 500pt army

Bretonnian muster

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 3
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500 pt Bretonnian list

Damsel on horse lvl 2 115

Paladin bsb Barded WH 74

Enchanted shield 10

5 Knights ot Realm 120

5 Knights ot Realm 120

10 Peasant bowmen 60

Luckily i have all these painted as i played Bretonnians a lot back in the day so now just need to get pictures up of the list.


Lizardmen army pics

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 4
Lizardmen army pics

Managed to finish the mage. Plenty of contrast used to get it done quickly.

Need to get the command on the saurus Done now.

Lizardmen army pics

Lizardman List

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Next stage Lizardmen

490 points

Skink Mage lvl2  100

20 Saurus warriors 240

Command 30

10 Skinks 60

10 Skinks 60

Models that actually need painting fortunately = 1 Skink mage. Might need to finish the saurus command as well.

So off to undercoat a mage brb.

Magical Help has arrived

Tutoring 2
Skill 7
Idea 5
Magical Help has arrived

Just finished up my first leader for my empire force. Ill use him as a life or beast mage.

This makes a full 500 points of empire ticked off (once based). Next up is Lizardmen i think.

Empire 500 pts

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 10
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500 points doesnt leave a lot of options which makes list building at this level interesting.

Current list is:

Level 2 Wizard  95

Talisman protection 15

20 Spearmen 120

Shields 20

Command 25

10 Handgunners 80

10 Swordsmen 70

Mortar 75



The first musterThe first muster

My first paint list is very modest which will hopefully help get things going.

For this 500 points I need to paint 4 swordsman and a mage.

As of writing this I finished the swordsmen, just need to get cracking with the mage now.

The plan

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 7
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The plan is to get 4 armies up to 500 points.

I’ll be writing army lists for 6th ed warhammer and Getting those lists painted. Hopefully I can get up to 1,000 points each and then push on with 2 of the four armies up to 2,000 points.


The shelves of shame

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 4
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First step is in admitting I have a problem, or and awesome collection, either way theres a lot of stuff that’s not painted.

High ElvesHigh Elves
Wood ElvesWood Elves

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