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The Marshalling of Uzkulak

The Marshalling of Uzkulak

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Tutoring 5
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Idea 6
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Two Hobgoblins, two Chaos Dwarfs and a lammasu.


The two assassins are made from regular sneaky gits with the addition of cloaks.  There’s also a chieftain and shaman, but they somehow managed to ninja themselves out of shot, lol.



The Chaos Dwarf Lord is largely sculpted by myself, while the Sorcerer is pretty much standard.


The lammasu is a WiP scratchbuild using the body of an AoS gryphhound and the head of an old school plastic Chaos Dwarf Warrior, with the horns made from putty.  Undecided on how I’m going to do the wings; I could either do ‘bat’ wings like the old GW mini or feathered ones like historic depictions of lamassu.  One idea I’ve got is to only make half of the wings and then use cotton wool to make smoke to shroud them to represent the sorcerous miasma of a lammasu.

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