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Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

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Forge Nymph

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The skin was basecoated mournefang brown, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted skrag brown followed by deathclaw brown.


The leather belts were painted rhinow hide, washed agrax eearthshade, then highlighted doombull brown then tuskgor fur.


The apron was painted zandri dust, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted ushabti bone followed by screaming skull.


The anvil was painted leadbelcher, washed nuln oil, then highlighted ironbreaker followed by runefang steel.


I then wanted to try to show the glow from the forge using object source lighting. I’ve never done OSL using wet blending before so decided to give it a try. On the skin I mixed skrag brown with increasing amounts of trollslayer orange to introduce an orange glow. For the apron I mixed screaming skull with trollslayer orange, and for the anvil I used ironbreaker with trollslayer orange.


The base was simply painted with apothecary white and then trollslayer orange was used to add OSL to the floor.

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