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Duel of the Fates

Duel of the Fates

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The End of Maul

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Before I start a note on paints.  All of the paints used are from the Citadel  Range unless I specifically mention otherwise.

Darth Maul was pretty much completed yesterday, however I wanted to do some lighting effects on him.  This is a fairly quick update to show how I did that.

I started by thinning some Carroburg Crimson with Lahmian Medium to turn it into a glaze – about 50/50.  I then painted the whole of the back of the model using this, which served to just warm up the entire surface.  Onto this I painted successive layers of thinned down Bloodletter, again 50/50 with lahmian medium to build up very subtle layers of colour.  I used at least 5 layers (I Actually lost count) using more layers in some areas to create areas of greater and lesser intensity.  This was done in areas where there is a swelling or that are naturally closer to the blades.

Hope you like it.

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