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Hobby exploits 2020 and onward

Hobby exploits 2020 and onward

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And done!

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Right, at the beginning if the year I planned to finish my Frostgrave table. It took some time but I’m about done for the moment. I have just finished painting and snowing last building. As for playability, this table needs some additional scatter and one maybe two higher ruins (multi-storey houses or a tower) but those are very hard to store, so I’ll refrain from building them for a moment. What I will do, however, is wait until Christmas ends and buy a bunch of little trees to add some colour to the monotone palette of what I have until now.


If anyone is interested, snow was heavily stippled around the buildings. It was created out of mixture (roughly equal parts) of white paint, white glue, baking soda and glitter.

Draakar, unusual piece of terrain but good in breaking lines of sight and useful in one of the scenarios from the first expansion to the game. I actually preferred Roman trireme, but couldn’t be bothered to design one (and at the time Thingiverse offered nothing like that. Draakar, unusual piece of terrain but good in breaking lines of sight and useful in one of the scenarios from the first expansion to the game. I actually preferred Roman trireme, but couldn’t be bothered to design one (and at the time Thingiverse offered nothing like that.
A view from the graveyard side, with a mausoleum compatible with one of the scenarios in 1st edition book.A view from the graveyard side, with a mausoleum compatible with one of the scenarios in 1st edition book.
Most of the buildings on this table are 3d printed and come from some kickstarter. The stargate comes from Thingiverse, I added it as I mainly play in SF settings and thought it would be good narrative device to give rationale for even Infinity troops doing a battle around (that would need a lot of additional terrain, however, but would add one more uniqe table to my SF collection).  The fountain was painted by one of my daughters and is used in one of the scenarios from the main book.Most of the buildings on this table are 3d printed and come from some kickstarter. The stargate comes from Thingiverse, I added it as I mainly play in SF settings and thought it would be good narrative device to give rationale for even Infinity troops doing a battle around (that would need a lot of additional terrain, however, but would add one more uniqe table to my SF collection). The fountain was painted by one of my daughters and is used in one of the scenarios from the main book.
A bridge, comes from the same Kicstarter as the rest of the buildings, placed at an angle closer to the centre of the table act as great LoS breaker.A bridge, comes from the same Kicstarter as the rest of the buildings, placed at an angle closer to the centre of the table act as great LoS breaker.
And final shot of the dead raising from their graves.And final shot of the dead raising from their graves.

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