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Hobby exploits 2020 and onward

Hobby exploits 2020 and onward

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I did something different

Tutoring 4
Skill 9
Idea 8
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Some time ago I 3d printed and painted a container inspired by Infinity paper terrain (Mototronica pack from Operation Icestorm precisely). This is my project post about it:

And a photo:



I did something different

I loved the design, but it had some major flaws, to name the few of them:

  1. It is hard to print, requires supports in several places, consists of couple of parts which each print for ages,
  2. The containers can’t be stacked one over another,
  3. Due to method used to attach the door, they constantly drop out,
  4. containers put one next to the other don’t break line of fire completely, there are narrow spaces between them,
  5. They take incredible amount of space to store, something I have no spare of.


So using the original design I actually re-engineered them. I simplified the texture on the walls, changed orientation the walls are printed in and  added hinges on the corners which made them fold almost flat for storage. I lost hinged doors, but those didn’t work for me in the first place.

The only thing I wasn’t able to address, was printing time, it still takes around 4 hours to print one container and probably around 15 minutes to put the parts together.

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