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Mantic Games Goblin Army

Mantic Games Goblin Army

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Giant marches on!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
Giant marches on!

I just recently finished my giant! He was an incredibly fun model to paint and is a huge fellow, I really love the mantic giant kit and painting him was just a treat.

So to paint him i first primed him in AP uniform gray. I then airbrushed on barbarian flesh, followed by a wash of flesh tone, I then let that dry and then airbrushed more barbarian flesh, then airbrushed in koboled skin. I then drybrushed koboled skin on the raised areas to create texture. The blue was just griffon blue, followed by blue wash and then a layer of crystal blue. The white cloth was just AP spaceship exterior, given a wash of contrast apothecary white, then relayered with ap spaceship exterior. The red was simply dragon red, washed ap red tone, then brought back up in dragon red with final highlights of Mars red.

The browns were a mixture of leather brown for straps, werewolf fur for fur, oak brown for wood and then all were washed in Ap strong tone before being brought back up with drybrushes of the original colours (except the fur which I gave a light drybrush of leather brown).

The nails were all done in my usual process of AP oak brown, AP desert yellow and then AP skeleton bone. Hair and eyebrows were matt black, followed by necromancer cloak and then finally highlighted in uniform gray.

Basing followed on from the rest of the army!

Giant marches on!

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beardragon14kharegim Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Love the giant mate. I hope the project isn’t over so I can see more. Lovely work

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