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Kharegims RPG minis

Kharegims RPG minis

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River troll

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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River troll

So as a fun side project I just picked a figure from my pile and decided the river troll would be great to try and experiment with, especially using water effects.

So once he was assembled and the gaps were filled I primed him in AP uniform grey, I then put some elf green through my airbrush to base coat the model followed by a dry brush of AP commando green. I then gave some parts of him like the fins a coating of GW nihilakh oxide, I then mixed some AP blue tone with elemental bolt to create a sort wash that I applied all over. When that was dry I did another drybrush of commando green, followed by witch brew selectively.

The inside of the mouth was painted in AP barbarian flesh, washed in AP flesh wash and then relayed with barbarian flesh. All the teeth, finger and toenails plus the teeth of the fish were first layered in AP oak brown, followed by AP desert yellow, then finally AP skeleton bone.

The eyes were just AP daemonic yellow with a black dots and white spots to emulate shine.

The fish was painted in AP wolf grey, then washed in AP blue tone, before being roughly rehighlighted in wolf grey. The eyes of the fish were just black, layered with AP necromancer cloak and then the shine was created with AP uniform grey and AP matt white.

Once everything was done I did the base which first involved Armageddon dust from GW drybrushed in skeleton bone with tufts from gamers grass. I then glued some cattails i got from a hobby store for model trains. I then put masking tape around the base and poured the first layer of Vallejo still water mixed with some blue tone. I let that dry but found I wasn’t happy with the blue and so poured some more this time mixed with AP strong tone, I then let that dry before using Vallejo water effects (the brush one almost pva type stuff) to build waves. I let that dry and then did a final pour of still water with a bit less strong tone.

For my first attempt at water effects I was happy with the result if not the messy execution of it (the masking tape didn’t hold very well and I had some spills). If I were to do it again I’d invest in proper masking tape or try some other way to create a barrier for the water!

River troll

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