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GCT Bushido

GCT Bushido

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My Yurei

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
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The cult of yurei are the downtrodden and abandoned in society, that have given their souls to the darkness. A serious mistake, since none will ever come on top of this bargain.
Yurei is what goes bump in the night. Undead, unclean spirits and dark sorcery
The first group are the Kairai. The unfortunate souls that have been yanked from the grave and through magic are bound to serve their unholy master. They wear the mask of the puppet master.
Here you see a Kairai farmer, Militia and and armoured kairai. In game they function very much as you expect a zombie would. They are slow, not very effective, but, especially with boosts from their masters, are hard to get rid off and keep rising back.

My Yurei

Araka is (was) an Oni. Also cursed to serve Kato, which is a source of great anger and dishonour among his kind, being denied glorious death in combat. Araka is stronger and faster, but still a kairai. He is able to use parts of his victims as projectiles. More importantly, his master can let him tap into his innate rage, making him function as if he was alive for a short while. This is risky however, for as soon as he realizes what’s happening he will turn on you. In game this means your opponent will control him for one action before he returns to his undeath state.

My Yurei

Ikiryo is a shugenya, using dark arts, but her origin is unknown. She is fragile, but extremely dangerous. Attacking her in melee might result in some damage coming back at you. She has a ranged attack not unlike a banshee and an ability that lets her drain Ki from nearby enemies. Ki is one of the most precious resources in Bushido.
I love this model. It’s a wonderful mix of grace and gruesome.

My Yurei
My Yurei
My Yurei

Last for now, is Kato, the puppet master. Responsible for most of the kairai scourge and an extremely dangerous model. Kato creates tough little marionettes in game. These aren’t much of a direct threat, but it allows him to take full control of enemy models for several actions. He’s not very tough in combat, but sending weaker models against him run the risk of turning into kairai themselves. He can also replace fallen models with kairai and boost their ability to rise from the death.
The smoke from the pipe forming the ghost of his lost love, the masks and puppet at his feet, such a lovely sculpt.

My Yurei
My Yurei

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