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They have come for me...

They have come for me...

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They are still coming....

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 10

Got myself a Contemptor Dreadnought off Ebay.

The arms proved just as expensive from Forgeworld!

Managed to glued this guy together, so I am just going to have to undercoat and paint it.

It’s a huge miniature.

While I have been working on painting up far too many Blood Bowl Teams, I have also managed to get this 95% complete.


All that remains to do (and is largely the case for all of my Night Lords at the moment) is to add some lightning bolts.

The colour scheme as always mirrors that of Konrad Curze from my Primarch project.

I opted to give the Skull helmet no eyes to convey the fact that it’s not a real skull but mainly a helmet.

I really like the way this turned out, and I was attempting to get another one of these off Ebay and a Leviathan dreadnought but sadly the bidding went mad! So that project is on hold for bit!

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rickabod41danlee Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I always liked those models – even though I don’t really like my space marines that much.

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