Dan's Dweghom
Milestone one all painted up
I’ve painted up all of milestone one. I didn’t photograph all the infantry. By the end of this weekend I should have finished basing them so I’ll photograph everything then.
The characters were painted in the same way as the basic infantry, except they got a drybrush layer to add more detail.
The metal was drybrushed necron compound. The wood and leather was drybrushed tyrant skull, and the flesh was drybrushed eldar flesh.
The cape was painted talassar blue and drybrushed etherium blue.
To make the flames really pop I re-base coated those areas wriathbone. Then they were painted iyanden yellow, followed by gryph-houd orange, then blood angels red and a dot of black templar on the tips. Each colour was applied before the previous one dried so they could blend together a bit.
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