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Home Forums Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions Serious and honest question here… Reply To: Serious and honest question here…



I think the problem is two fold,

firstly familiarity breeds contempt. They’re the poster boys they’re everywhere you can’t not see a smurf on a book or box.

secondly they’re as dull as dog shit. They didn’t use to be, originally they had their own heraldry and were more like space knights, but then in 2nd edition they retconned that to “they never stray from the Codex” now they clearly needed a Codex chapter to show people what sticking to the book looks like but what you end up with is a bland blue chapter that is inescapable.

Personally I think they could have done the chapter in it’s original style and just picked a random chapter to point to for “codex standard” but it’s easier for people to pick something up if they see it splattered everywhere like a toddler’s blood at a nursery hit and run.


*bonus thirdly*

that cunt broke up the legions, so people who like real chapters are reduced to chapters cause Rowboat couldn’t handle it! 😉

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