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Capturing Old School D&D in a Statue

Capturing Old School D&D in a Statue

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Project Blog by 144artist Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 248

About the Project

Many of my friends and I are such old school gamers that we started out on Zero Edition Dungeons and Dragons, called the White Box by some. While we may play many games of many genres over the many years we have done so those first three Advanced Dungeons and Dragons books and their evocative artwork hold a special place in our hearts. When my buddy, aronbc, picked up this Otherworld Minis' statue and the extra pieces to match the book cover, I knew I wanted to paint one. Luckily for me he wanted me to paint his so here we are in this Project Blog charting my progress and pitfalls. Hope I can do the piece justice.

This Project is Active

Back in Black

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11

Gotta admit, I like the black felt background even more than my usual backdrop.  It really adds to the dramatic feel and helps the OSL pop.  This one was a lot of fun. I think we can call this Project Complete!

Back in Black
Back in Black
Back in Black
Back in Black
Back in Black
Back in Black
Back in Black

Finished Photos on Blue Background

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
1 Comment

The first shots I took of the finished piece were on my regular printed blue background.  It looks good, all in all, though I think it will look more dramatic photographed on a black felt background.

Finished Photos on Blue Background
Finished Photos on Blue Background
Finished Photos on Blue Background
Finished Photos on Blue Background
Finished Photos on Blue Background
Finished Photos on Blue Background
Finished Photos on Blue Background
Finished Photos on Blue Background
Finished Photos on Blue Background
Finished Photos on Blue Background

More Layers, Both Dark and Bright

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

Once the base coats were down on the thieves and statue I added washes and dark Contrast paints to the shadows while Lamenters Yellow Wash, Iyanden Yellow Contrast paint, and Vallejo’s Ice Yellow were used in the areas lit by “fire”.  I tried to  keep the thieves’ clothes as close to the source material as I could before cloaking them in shadow or light.

Neither the eyes nor the thieves are yet glued in place.Neither the eyes nor the thieves are yet glued in place.
A tiny bit of Blu-Tak (stickie stuff for hanging posters) holds them in place so I can check the colors.A tiny bit of Blu-Tak (stickie stuff for hanging posters) holds them in place so I can check the colors.
I really prefer the way the red gems look so must say it's almost done.I really prefer the way the red gems look so must say it's almost done.
I did glue the top thief down before attaching the eyes as I had visions of me slipping and knocking off  and losing the gem.  Such a nice neat work space.  No wonder I lose tiny objects.I did glue the top thief down before attaching the eyes as I had visions of me slipping and knocking off and losing the gem. Such a nice neat work space. No wonder I lose tiny objects.

Details and beginnings

Tutoring 9
Skill 8
Idea 9

Next I got to work on the detail pieces and there are some tiny ones.  They are cast in resin and metal and come with a collection of little gems to be glued into the eyes of the statue.

 There is actually double the number of metal pieces as the braziers in his original set had arrived broken and the company just sent him another set. There is actually double the number of metal pieces as the braziers in his original set had arrived broken and the company just sent him another set.
A tiny version of the statue and a sacrificial dagger adorn the learning alter. A tiny version of the statue and a sacrificial dagger adorn the learning alter.
A few grays and then lots of layers of yellow washes and highlights.A few grays and then lots of layers of yellow washes and highlights.
I kept checking the fit and lighting on the thieves as well as the statue even though I was painting them separatelyI kept checking the fit and lighting on the thieves as well as the statue even though I was painting them separately
 I decided not to lose the frontal detail in shadow. I decided not to lose the frontal detail in shadow.

It's All About the Base... the Base.

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

I went digging through my collection of resin bases to find one suitable for this scene.  Not surprising that Secret Weapon Miniatures make one that’s perfect.  Breaks my heart that they are closing their doors as they really do make my favorite bases and paints.  Mr Justin’s Weathering materials and tutorials have been priceless.


I’m afraid I haven’t been posting my progress as this was a gift and I like to maintain surprise.  Now that it is complete and in the hands of the intended recipient I can catch up with posting.

I went with a simple paint job, just choosing three earth tones to paint all of the flagstones.I went with a simple paint job, just choosing three earth tones to paint all of the flagstones.
Next I used a couple of Washes; Agrax Earthshade as well as Secret Weapon Armor Wash.Next I used a couple of Washes; Agrax Earthshade as well as Secret Weapon Armor Wash.
Finally a light dry brush of grey and sand.Finally a light dry brush of grey and sand.

Priming the Statue

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

I glued the arm to the standing adventurer before tacking the two thieves in place. I wanted the primer to layout the base of OSL.  This is going to be from three light sources in the front with the brazier in the statue’s lap being the most prominent.  I began with a solid black spray prime over the entire figure.  Next was a grey at about 45 degrees above and almost entirely from the front.  Last was white spray primer directly from the front, centered on the flames.  Not a bad start.

Priming the Statue
Priming the Statue
Priming the Statue
Priming the Statue

Test Fit

Tutoring 13
Skill 14
Idea 15
No Comments

I used a little Blu-Tac to test fit the pieces. Some are tiny and the “jewel” eyes that come with the set are almost microscopic.  Nothing is in the exact place it will end up (I’m looking at you standing thief) but it gives me an idea of how things will fit together and how it all looks on the base I chose.  Honestly though, you can’t go wrong with Secret Weapon bases and this one fits the scene perfectly.  This also made it clear I don’t want to add two more braziers as it would get way too cluttered.


Alright, time to finish the prep work so I can get primer on this guy.

Test Fit

And So it Begins...

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 14
1 Comment

When I received the package that aronbc had included this project in, I noticed he had two sets of the metal bits as one of his braziers was broken so Oathsworth just sent him a whole set.  Looks like an easy fix so there maybe four in the final piece.  I picked out a Secret Weapon large Flagstone base as it seemed a perfect fit.

The inspiration for the whole thing.The inspiration for the whole thing.
And So it Begins...
I love the tiny version of the statue to place on the altarI love the tiny version of the statue to place on the altar

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