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Minies for a game I won't play

Minies for a game I won't play

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Making Pengwen bases part 2

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Time to get the pengies on the base. I have to do this now, since they have a little ‘base’ around their feet, and I need to ‘build’ around this for the next step.

Making Pengwen bases part 2

Add the modeling paste, using an old brush to push it around. I build this up, so it’s matching in height with the base around pengis feet and also so it looks like it’s a thick layer lying around the ice. This is also when I push down some of the crystals if I want any on the base. A tiny spot of the transparent glue on the bottom of the crystal, and that and the modeling paste should be enough to keep it in place once everything has dried.

Making Pengwen bases part 2

I then soften and ‘sculpt’ the paste with a brush dipped in water. This now needs to dry completely.

Making Pengwen bases part 2

Dabbing some iridescent medium on top of the ice to give it some ‘sparkle’.

Making Pengwen bases part 2

I apply Titanium White to a brush as if were to drybrush, but instead of dragging the brush back and forth, I dab it on top of the ice, so I trap the ‘sparkles’ below a soft layer of white. I also paint a layer of the same white on top of the dry modeling paste, since it has a slight yellow sheen to it when dry. And that looks really stark and ‘wrong’ when the flock is added.

Making Pengwen bases part 2

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